Membership Benefits
The ARA offers you as a member:
The American Revenuer
The journal of the American Revenue Association, The American Revenuer, is published four times per year and features illustrated articles on every phase of fiscal philately: historical data, catalog listings, book reviews and reports of new issues and discoveries — U.S. and foreign, Scott and non-Scott listed.
This award-winning journal is generally acknowledged as one of the finest in philately today. Every issue of TAR contains intriguing and exciting excursions into little-known and seldom-explored philatelic byways. Our advertisers, both dealers and collectors, are there to sell, trade and buy the stamps you need or have. Contributions to TAR are invited — your discoveries, ideas and studies will find a welcome place in its pages.
Auctions and Sales Departments
The ARA Auction and Sales Departments offer members the opportunity to buy and sell revenue material through periodic auctions appearing on this website and through net price sales books. Both foreign and United States revenue stamps are offered in our auctions, while the sales circuit is currently offering U.S. material only.
Annual Meetings
We meet annually at a major stamp show. This gives members a chance to meet and discuss revenues or whatever else comes to mind. Major revenue dealers attend. The meeting also attracts some of the best revenue exhibits currently being shown, and the show jury will have one or more judges knowledgeable in revenues. We hold a dinner for members and guests at a nearby restaurant to encourage social interaction.
Discounts on Publications
ARA members receive a discount on most, if not all, of the books we have published. See the Publications link on this site.
Members are also privileged to receive a discount on the new State Revenue Catalog published by the State Revenue Society.